We will be part of the solution.
We have watched the last several weeks unfold and have this to say:
The murder of George Floyd by a police officer is a horrible act and must be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
This was not the first, we must push to make it the LAST… changes must be made in our justice system to hold the police accountable for such vicious and racist acts.
We must rid our nation of all white supremacists, they should never have had a place in our country, they do not now, and never will.
We applaud Black Lives Matter for their leadership in this matter and applaud all of the people, in the USA, and around the world that have stood up and said this is NOT OK
Further, the events that have taken place in the last few weeks have given us time to look at ourselves and truly see how privileged we are.
At Praxis we are a mostly non diverse team of Asian and white. We live in a very privileged community. Because of this we have very limited first hand understanding of the problem that exists in the USA. We are now recognizing that and realizing we are not doing enough to change this toxic and systemic problem in our country.
We want to thank Black Lives Matter movement and all of the activists and protestors for bringing our attention to the reality of a world that we have not taken the proper time the time to look at. We thought it was enough to live our lives day to day thinking everyone is equal, but we were wrong.
We believe deeply in equality of all humans and we want to be a part of the solution. We want to and will do our small part to move this country towards true equality.
In order help and continue to help Praxis will seek out and make yearly donations to organizations that promote equality and cycling